Foxglove Class Page

Welcome to Foxglove class!
We are Year 5 and Year 6
Our teacher is Mrs Critchley

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Snoaden, Mr Woodley and Mrs Clements

On behalf of everyone in Foxglove, welcome to our class page!  

I'm really looking forward to this new year and the journey ahead of us.

We start our day by having an emotional check-in to make sure we are all feeling ready to start our day. We have an opportunity to talk about feelings with a trusted adult when we don't feel ready. This is also a good time for us all to come together to start a new day. 
In maths, we follow Whiterose, with Year 5 and 6 being taught separately. We use carefully selected books to hook and inspire the children’s writing, whether it is non-fiction or story writing.
Home Learning
In Foxglove Class, the children are expected to complete a number of home Learning tasks.
The first is Times Table Rockstars practice. This can be located at . We ask all pupils to do this 3 times a week. It does not need to be longer than 5-10minutes at a time. 
The second is 5-10 minutes of reading 3 times a week. Children will be entered into our reading raffle when they read 3 times a week.
Home learning for year 5 and 6 can be found on SeeSaw. Please upload any work onto SeeSaw to share with the rest of the class.
Parents will receive the child's individual log in details from their class teacher. We encourage all parents to access Seesaw as children's work, pictures and videos of activities are often uploaded on the site.