Wye Forest Federation

Welcome to our Federation

On behalf of myself as the Executive Headteacher, the governors, staff and children I would like to welcome you to the Wye Forest Federation and our website. I hope you are able to find all you are looking for here, but please do get in touch if you would like to know more.

The Wye Forest Federation is currently made up of two partner primary schools situated along the Wye Valley on the edge of the Forest of Dean. As a federation, we share our leaders across both of our schools which enables us to have a broader range of expertise available for all of our staff, children and families in all areas of school life. Our curriculum is built on the same principles and adapted to support the context of each school and we often come together to share trips and events enabling us to give our children a wider range of opportunities. Each school is unique but our shared ethos enables us to collectively live out our Christian vision. 

St Briavels Parochial Church of England School is a community school situated in the village of St Briavels. It enjoys a beautiful outlook over the valley and  has a wonderful outdoor environment which allows for many  learning opportunities. St Briavels currently has 136 children organised into five mixed age classes as well as our pre-school, Sunflowers, where we take children from 2 years and 6 months old.

Redbrook Church of England School is a nurturing environment with a smaller, family feel. It is situated alongside the River Wye on the border with Wales. Redbrook currently has 24 children organised into two classes - Robin Class with EYFS and KS1 children and Kingfisher Class with KS2 children

Our federation vision, Love, Learn, Live, underpins our commitment to preparing children to live life in the modern world beyond the school gates. We firmly believe that by keeping children at the centre of all we do, they will develop our values of courage, compassion, respect and resilience and have much to offer the world as they meet its challenges head on.

 We place great emphasis on developing a strong partnership between home and school; it is through working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support that we can provide what is best for our children.

We are proud of our caring, happy and inclusive  ethos and the achievements of our pupils. All of our staff  are fully committed to supporting your child through opportunities that: develop their sense of belonging, understanding of diversity and a desire to be independent and active, preparing them for a lifelong journey of discovery and learning.

Kindest regards

Natalie Frey

Executive Head Teacher

If you require paper copies of any pages on this website please contact the school office. They will be provided free of charge.