School Uniform

At Redbrook all children wear our school uniform. We believe that a consistent uniform:


  • Promotes the ethos of our school. 

  • Provides a sense of belonging and identity. 

  • Ensures all children are dressed practically in readiness to learn. 

Uniform can be purchased through our supplier, Price and Buckland:
or inexpensively through local supermarkets and shops.
We also hold a stock of second-hand uniform and encourage all  to access this in order to offset our global foot-print. Parents are able to access this via our office and may take what they need for a small donation if they are able or at no cost. 

School Uniform

  • School or plain blue polo shirt
  • School logo sweater or cardigan
  • Grey or black trousers / shorts, skirts or pinafore dress
  • Grey or black tights (where worn)
  • Optional red gingham dress in summer
  • Black shoes or smart black trainers


PE Kit

  • School PE t-shirt or a plain white t-shirt
  • School jumper or school cardigan
  • Pair of black shorts and/or plain (no logos) black joggers
  • Trainers suitable for doing PE in (do not need to be a specific colour)
  • Junior children will require a thin waterproof jacket for outside games